UX Writing

Facebook Story Midcards (2021-Present)

Stories are quick posts that disappear after 24 hours. “Midcards” are first-party stories that appear between user-generated ones. They’re designed to drive growth by encouraging people to create new stories, engage with existing ones, and see things they might have missed. I’ve launched several of these cards over the years, from around their initial conception to today. I’m currently part of a team tasked with standardizing their design and creating a content style guide. I also published the company’s first style guide and content design standards for story midcards.

Meta Horizon Worlds (2021)

Horizon Worlds is an online virtual reality game and social space where people can create and explore 3D worlds and games. I worked on it in the year or so leading up to its initial launch in 2021. I created much of its initial UX content, as well as foundational UX content style guides for its settings, notification system, achievement system, and onboarding flow.

Malwarebytes for Windows UI copy (2019)

For more than a year, I worked as the sole UX writer on a complete redesign of Malwarebytes for Windows, the company’s flagship product. As a core member of the design team, I worked on the product from early planning meetings through to its general release. I wrote nearly all the UI copy, as well as most of the marketing copy for its launch.

EKSasaki MB4 Settings copy 2.png

Malwarebytes for iOS UI copy (2019)

As the UX writer on Malwarebytes for iOS, I collaborated with engineers, UI designers, and product experts to create copy for every screen in the app. From button text and feature names to instructions and disclaimers, I tried my best to make every aspect of the app usable, uncomplicated, and user-focused.

Kurbo Health In-App Notification Copy (2017)


Kurbo Health is an app that helps people achieve their fitness and nutrition goals with the help of personal coaching and a mobile app which tracks their food habits. As a freelance UX writer, I created a new set of in-app notifications to help them expand from a kid-focused app to one for kids and adults. Here are some other examples…

  • Stick to tomato-based sauces to keep your pasta healthy.

  • The more you track, the more Kurbo can help you reach your goals.

  • Eating healthy means drinking healthy too. Don't forget to track your drinks.

  • Not feeling motivated? Ask a friend to exercise with you.

  • It's easy to forget to exercise, so plan ahead!

Tegile Systems "What's New" UX Copy (2016)

As part of a large refresh of Tegile Systems' core software, I worked with a team of designers to write UX copy throughout the product. I also wrote the "What's New" slideshow that users see after opening the latest version of the software.